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Diflucan (Fluconazole)


What is Diflucan?
Diflucan is the original name of antifungal drug of the group triazoles, which is also known as Fluconazole. In 1982 the preparation was synthesized and patented in the laboratories of the French firm «Pfhizer». Since the 1900s it has been widely prescribed for in the treatment of diseases caused by fungi.

The main active substance – Fluconazole – has the ability to inhibit metabolic processes in the cell fungi by binding to and inhibiting specific substances – cytochrome P-450 which exists in a large number of enzyme systems fungi cells.

Diflucan also blocks the processes of the formation of protective cell membranes, inhibits the synthesis of specific substances – sterols and prevents the recovery of damaged membranes.

The basic range of action of Diflucan is an extensive group of the diseases (from skin lesions to meningitis), which are caused by yeast or yeast fungi Candida spp, dermatomycosis (Trichophyton spp and others), Cryptococcus neoformans, some fungi ( Bl. dermatitides, Hist. capsulatum,), dimorphic forms (Cocc. immitis).

Diflucan: Dosage

You ought to consult with Diflucan provider or your doctor to define the right dosage.

Shake the bottle well before taking Diflucan. Measure prescribed dose carefully using a measuring device. Diflucan is an oral drug. Take Diflucan once a day, or as your health care provider directed. The dosage depends on your medical condition and the problems you want to cure.

Take it at the same time; it will help you maintain the level of drug in your organism, which may increase the effectiveness. Continue taking this medication until the complete disappearance of infection, even if symptoms have disappeared after a few days. Stop using this medication too early may cause a relapse of the infection. Your doctor should be informed if your condition worsens.

Diflucan: Precautions

There are some precautions that patients who ought to be aware of. Firstly your health care provider ought to be informed about allergic reactions you have. If you suffer from such diseases as liver disease, cardiovascular disease and kidney disease, inform your doctor immediately. In rare cases, this drug makes a patient giddy. Be careful when performing actions that require high attention. Since renal function may decrease while aging, the elderly should be careful taking the drug because they may be more sensitive to this medicine. This preparation is not advisable to use during pregnancy. It may be accepted only if it is really necessary. Discuss all the pros and cons with your doctor.

Diflucan: Contraindications

– use of terfenadine along with the use of Fluconazole 400 mg/day or more;
– simultaneous use of Cisapride and Fluconazole online;
– hypersensitivity to Fluconazole, other components of the drug.

In any case you should be cautious, if you have
– problems with the liver caused by the application of Fluconazole
– rash caused by the application of Fluconazole
– superficial fungal infection
– invasive/systemic fungal infections

Diflucan: Side effects

You can experience diarrhea, stomach upset / pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, or loss of hair.

Notify your doctor in case of deterioration or exacerbation of any of Diflucan side effects.

This medication sometimes, but rarely causes serious (possibly fatal) liver disease.

If you have such unusual, but serious adverse effects as severe pain in the abdomen or stomach; dark urine, yellowing of the eyes or skin, constant nausea / vomiting, unusual tiredness, inform your physician immediately.

If you have a serious allergic reaction, you need medical attention. Serious allergic reactions have such symptoms: urticaria, swelling, severe dizziness, itching, breathing problems.

Diflucan: Overdosage

Try to follow all the instructions and dosage. In case of overdose it is necessary to consult to the doctor, because some remedial measures should be taken.

It was reported about a 42-year-old patient infected with HIV who took 8200 mg of Fluconazole which caused hallucinations and paranoid behavior. The patient was hospitalized; his condition had stabilized within 48 hours

Treatment: symptomatic therapy (including supportive measures and gastric lavage).

Fluconazole is excreted mainly with urine; therefore, forced dieresis may accelerate the excretion.

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