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Griseofulvin (Grifulvin V)



What is Griseofulvin

Griseofulvin belongs to a group of antifungal treatments, which are aimed at treatment of devastating body infections, triggered by fungus. Due to the powerful composition and a drastic impact promoted on the organism, the medication is approved and prescribed as a treatment of numerous infections, especially jock itch, ringworm, athlete’s foot, fungal scalp, toenail or fingernail infection. The medication can be administered for a range of other conditions, not specified in the safety leaflet. Contact your medical specialist primarily to the off-label Griseofulvin use.

How to use Medicine

Discuss the medication intake with your doctor before its start. You should ensure the safety of the therapy and maximal results. Your healthcare provider should adjust a correct dose, suiting all the peculiarities of your individual health condition. Do not administer the drug in lower or higher doses, neither for a prolonged course. The treatment is available in numerous forms, so you should take the one, advised by your medical specialist.

Griseofulvin is the drug, which features a powerful influence on the body and its functions. Therefore, it is ultimately important to follow the instructions and safety issues. Administer the treatment for complete duration of the therapy, adjusted by your physician. It can take over a few weeks before you feel significant condition improvement. The treatment of nail infections can last for months. However, keep using the medication for a full prescription term, as the signs of the infection can disappear earlier than the disBuy is cleared from the organism.

Frequent medical tests are required for patients, who use Griseofulvin for a long term. Keep in mind that the medication will not treat viral infections, such as common cold and flu.

Precautions and Contraindications

Learn all the restrictions and contraindications for the drug intake before you start the course. Certain health disBuys can block the positive drug influence completely or trigger unwanted reactions. To avoid such situations, you should avoid Griseofulvin use in case you are hypersensitive to its ingredients. Additionally, people diagnosed with liver failure or porphyria should eliminate the antifungal drug treatment. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are not approved for the medication use due to the high risk of side effects occurrence.

Inform your medical specialist about all the accompanying and underlying health problems you have, paying ultimate attention to lupus, liver disBuys, allergy to other medications, etc. The drug can block the effectiveness of your birth control drugs, so you need to replace usual contraception with non-hormonal one.

Drug Interactions

There is a number of prescription and non-prescription drugs, herbal supplements, minerals and vitamins that can interfere with Griseofulvin course. To ensure the safety of the treatment course, your healthcare provider should be warned about all of the medications you use. In some instances, proper dose adjustment may be sufficient, while in other cases you may need to choose another antifungal drug.

Side effects

Allergic reactions, severe skin reactions, symptoms of lupus and a range of other severe health impairments can bother people during Griseofulvin course. Seek emergency medical assistance if any of these or other devastating issues have started bothering you. Mind minor reactions, such as insomnia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache and others, as they can aggravate, leading to unwanted adverse reactions. 

250, 500 mg

30, 60, 90 pills

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