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Neurontin (Gabapentin)


What is Neurontin

Generic Neurontin may be defined as a GABA (the main neurotransmitter found within the central nervous system of man) analogue.

How to use Medicine

Before use Neurontin, you must be aware that this particular medication is available in the form of tablets with strength of 600mg and 800mg; capsules with strength of 100mg, 300mg and 400mg and in the form of an oral solution with strength of 250mg/5mL. It is always a better option for you to consult your healthcare professional before you commence taking a prescribed medication course of the same. Refrain from simultaneously taking certain aluminum or magnesium antacids. These particular types of antacids are prone to cause an interference with the absorption method of this particular medication. There has to be a minimum of a 2 hour gap between Gabapentin and any antacid you might simultaneously be taking

Neurontin Precaution

  • Once you have made up your mind to buy Neurontin and commence taking a prescribed medication course of the same, it is vital that you keep your healthcare professional informed if you have ever had a history of or even if you have currently been suffering from a history of certain medical issues, such as kidney complications.

    The ideal temperature at which Gabapentin must be stored is at 25 degrees C (77 degrees F). However, you may store this particular medication between 15 30 degrees C (59 86 degrees F) for brief intervals of time. Your local waste disposal company must be consulted if you want to discard your unused medication

Neurontin Uses

Originally, this medication was administered to effectively treat epilepsy (seizure attacks) in the case of adults and children who are 3 years of age and above. Now however, this particular medication is also administered to effectively treat major depressive disorder (MMD or recurrent depressive disorder) and herpes zoster (nerve pain related to shingles).

However, it is also necessary for you to be aware that this particular medication is also administered to effectively treat nerve related complications, such as trigeminal neuralgia and peripheral and diabetic neuropathy


If you have accidentally taken an overdose of this medication, call the poison control center at1-800-222-1222 or you may even dial your local emergency services at 911. Taking an overdose of your prescribed medication course might sometimes cause you to experience extreme lethargy, drowsiness or slurred speech. If needed, consult your healthcare professional immediately.

  • You must know that it is important for you to keep your healthcare professional informed of your reaction to this particular medication at all times.

  • If while on an ongoing course of Gabapentin you get pregnant or plan to conceive or have begun to breast feed post a delivery, it is necessary that you inform your healthcare professional.

  • You must also be aware that this medication is known to pass into breast milk.

  • Do exert caution as Neurontin causes sudden and extreme drowsiness. Hence, while on a prescribed course of this particular medication, be certain that you do not operate any kind of machinery or even drive, particularly at night or try and undertake any activities that require you to stay focused and alert.

  • You should be sure to stop any form of alcohol intake while on an ongoing course of this particular medication.

  • You have to also make it a point to be extra careful while administering Gabapentin to children. Know that children are more susceptible to the after effects of taking this medication, such as hostility caused by a variation in their moods

Neurontin Side effects

Before you commence taking your prescribed medication course of Neurontin, you must be aware this particular medication just might cause you to experience all of the side effects that have been mentioned below or else then just some of them. Chances are that you might experience a completely different group of side effects as well. In either situation please try and refrain from panicking, just speak with your healthcare professional or else better still go and meet him/her face to face. Your healthcare professional is the best person to guide you properly.

  • Nausea

  • A dry mouth

  • Unsteadiness

  • Fatigue

  • Weight complications

Once you have decided that you want to order Gabapentin, sit down and make a list of all the medications and any kind of supplements that you are taking around the same period of time that you want to commence a course of this particular medication. It is also equally important that your healthcare professional be made aware of this list of medications that you have written out. This list will assist him/her in guiding you properly by informing you of what you should and should not take together.

This medication interacts with the type of medication mentioned below.

  • Antacids containing magnesium, aluminum or morphine

Missed Dose

Before you make up your mind to go a head , you must be aware that you are not to miss any of your prescribed scheduled dosages. It is important that you take each dosage at the correct time. However, if you do miss one of your dosages, please do not take a double dosage of this medication to make up for your missed dosage

100, 300, 400 mg

30, 60, 90 pills

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Mental Health/Epilepsy

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